Contact Us
Panauti Tourism Development Centre
Please contact us here:
Nawadurga Dabali, Panauti – 7
GPO Box no. 8616
Kavre, Nepal
Phone: +977 11-440093
Getting to Panauti
There are several transportation methods to Panauti depending on your budget and schedule. Buses run from Ratna bus park every 15 or so minutes and are the most budget friendly ways to Panauti costing just 80 rupees but taking 1 hour 45 minutes on average.
Taxi’s can be expensive unless you book a two-way trip which can cost up to 5,000 rupees with a 5 hour wait. Mountain biking to Panauti is possible but the road situation in the Kathmandu valley these days means high traffic and pollution.
Planning to
visit Panauti?
Contact us today